Can you Paint Composite Decking?

Yes, you can paint composite decking! However, it's important to follow specific guidelines to ensure a successful and long-lasting result.

Manufacturers use wood fibres and recycled plastic to make composite decking. This makes it more durable against rot, mould, and insects than traditional wood decking. However, painting composite decking requires careful preparation and the right type of paint.

  1. Firstly, clean the decking thoroughly to remove any dirt, mildew, or debris. Use a mild detergent and water, and scrub the surface with a brush or pressure washer if necessary. Allow the decking to dry completely before proceeding.
  2. Next, choose a high-quality exterior latex paint specifically designed for composite surfaces. This type of paint is flexible and durable, allowing it to adhere well to the composite material and withstand outdoor conditions.
  3. Apply the paint evenly with a brush or roller, working in small sections to ensure thorough coverage. Allow the first coat to dry completely before applying a second coat if necessary.
  4. Finally, regularly maintain the painted decking by cleaning it periodically and touching up any areas that may show signs of wear or fading. With proper preparation and maintenance, painted composite decking can enhance the appearance of your outdoor space for years to come.

Check out our variety of composite deck boards online. Or, contact our friendly team with any questions about our range of composite decking!