How to Build a Fence

Garden fencing offers security and protection, but it can also be utilised as a landscape component or a plant support structure. It is rather simple to install a fence, and with proper upkeep it will last for years. We understand that this may be your first time putting up a fence, so we are here to guide you through the process. In this article we will cover how to build a fence step by step.

Choosing fence posts

First you should pick your fence panels, then you must decide on the type of fence post that will support them. The main options are:

  • Concrete posts
  • Wood posts

Concrete fence posts

Probably the most common choice in the UK, due mainly to their durability - they are incredibly strong and will never rot or degrade, so a correctly installed concrete post will last for many decades. You should take into consideration the size and weight of the posts based on how big you would like your fence to be.

Timber fence posts

They are more cost-effective than ones made of concrete but won't last as long. However, they can be treated with a preservative to prevent them from decomposing in the ground.

Timber posts also weigh almost half that of an equally sized concrete post, which makes them easier to handle and transport. Moreover, they can be a preferred option due to their cosier, more natural appearance.

Building a fence

Step 1 Install the posts

  • Concrete: The crucial step in constructing a fence run is placing the posts in the ground. Posts that are not firmly planted in the ground will shift in the wind and get worse over time. A fence run that was improperly installed is more likely to fall during a storm. Setting a post in concrete in a hole in the ground is the most typical and reliable method. There are several brands of ready-mixed concrete available for fence posts. For best results follow the instructions on the pack carefully.
  • Timber: Dig the hole a little deeper than two feet to allow for 1 to 2 inches of gravel at the bottom of the hole to aid drainage and keep the bottom of the post from sitting in water. When setting concrete around timber posts, it is also a good idea to construct a slight incline around the post so that rain drains away from the post.

Step 2 Set out the required run

Establish the desired run of the fence row with a string line and stakes before installing the first post. The first post can now be fitted in the ground. It is crucial that the following holes are spaced correctly. You must consider the exact width of each board as well as how they will be attached to the posts.

Remember that most traditional UK panels are 1828mm / 183cm / 6ft wide. This is a remnant of the UK's imperial measurement system.

Step 3 Installation

  • Set the first post and dig the second hole while the concrete dries.
  • After 20-30 minutes, the cement on the first post should be sufficiently sturdy to keep the fence panel in place. Just make sure the panel is securely attached to the post.
  • With the first panel in place, the second post can be placed in concrete, with the panel ensuring that it is in the correct place.

When using this method of post installation, you avoid having to lift the entire panel up to the top of the posts in order to slot it down into the post slots.

Now you have you brand new fence up! If you have any questions regarding our installation guide, do not hesitate to contact our friendly team here.