How High Can A Privacy Screen Be?

Whether you are starting a new project or require a privacy screen, there are certain regulations that must be followed when installing one.

How tall can a privacy screen be?

If your project is required by building regulations to have a privacy screen, you must ensure that it complies with those rules. In general, privacy screens must be 1,800 millimetres high, and constructed of an opaque material – so if, for example, your screens are made with glass panels, these must be treated or tinted in some way to make them opaque.

Fence privacy screen

If you plan to use a privacy screen as a fence it should not be higher than 2.5 metres above the existing ground level. According to the building regulations, it should not exceed 5 metres.

If the height of your fence, including the trellis, exceeds 2 metres (6.56ft) above ground level, you must obtain planning permission. If the height of your fence exceeds one metre (3.28ft) and you live next to a highway or a pedestrian footpath, again you must obtain planning permission.

Privacy screen height between neighbours

In the UK, the legal fence height stands at 6 feet 6 inches tall (2 metres). Authorities will let you put up to 4 feet of fencing in your front garden, which is 2 feet shorter than the fence at the back of the property.

If you have any questions regarding patio privacy screen height regulations please do not hesitate to contact our friendly team here.